Sanjeevika ayurvedic medicines are manufactured from Divya Jyoti Foundation.In sanjeevika products we have health care products,personal care and ayurvedic products to cure different types of can use our sanjeevika honey it acts like visualizer tonic it also helps to purify the blood.Honey is used for various purposes to cure some diseases.we also provide the health herbal products and pure herbal products
Honey kills the antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Helps reduce the coughs
By research team it as been proved that honey able to reduce the cough symptoms. This study proves the children who taken two spoons of honey before going to bed.It results after 30 minutes that cough is reduced frequently, it also solves severe cough symptoms and it also gives better sleep.
Honey Boosts memory
If you add honey in your daily diet specially for women who are in menopausal age should consume 20 grams of honey per day it replaces some hormones called progesterone and estrogen for healthy body.
Provides nutrients
Honey contains various minerals and vitamins such as manganese,phosphorus,copper,calcium and it also includes riboflavin,pantheistic acid and niacin you can use honey instead of using the sugar it provides you rich nutrient calories.
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