Monday, February 1, 2016

Health Care Products Suppliers in Delhi

Divya jyoti Foundation is one of the best Spiritual organization our main branch is located in Delhi and also, we have other branches all over India we manufacture Sanjeevika Ayurvedic products and Our organization is well known as Best health care products suppliers in Delhi,  Bangalore Sanjeevika rakatchaphar helps to reduce hypertension and other heart ailments, Relieves Insomnia

The following Home remedy helps you to reduce the hypertension:

1. Lemons

  • Lemons helps to keep the blood vessels soft and flexible and it removes hardness, it reduces the high blood pressure. In addition to this it avoids heart failure 
  •  lemon juice contain the vitamin C content. Vitamin C is an antioxidant it neutralize the destructive property of free radicals.
  • Add lemon to warm water consume this mixture daily morning with empty stomach. For good results.

2. Watermelon Seeds

  • Watermelon seeds contain cucurbocitrin, it helps to enlarge the blood capillaries.And also it  improves the kidney function.It will reduces blood pressure levels and arthritis.
  • Grind equal proportion of dry watermelon seeds and poppy seeds.Take one table spoon of this mixture with hot water in morning with empty stomach then have this twice means  again in the evening you can drink

3. Garlic

  • Garlic have so many medicinal values it reduces the blood pressure by lowering effects of garlic. cooked and raw garlic helps to avoid high blood pressure mean while  it reduces the cholesterol level. Garlic works to relax blood vessels by stimulating the yielding hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide.
  • Consume two crushed garlic cloves daily. By crushing it them with hands.  When you Crush garlic cloves it provides the hydrogen sulfide,it promotes  blood flow, it takes out gas and decrease the pressure in heart.You can consume garlic with hot milk
  • Take five to six drops of garlic juice add it with hot water mix well and have this mixture daily twice.

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